visual artist

chiel lubbers

‘I believe that we are resonant beings and that we are connected with something universal’


Chiel Lubbers (he/him), born in Nijmegen (The Netherlands). 1994. Based in The Hague.


Chiel’s creative practice is composed of field research and investigative alchemical techniques for making materials from degradable and natural substances, primarily sourced from the vegetal and geological realms. By dissecting, deconstructing, and translating a phenomenon or object, Chiel seeks hidden features on various scales of anatomy, capturing its potential and building poetic compositions.


Chiel initiated his career as a visual artist by completing a Bachelor’s degree at The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, which provided him with a strong foundation in various artistic techniques and concepts. Following graduation, Chiel's work has been exhibited at the ‘Gardening’ exhibition at Museum Oud Amelisweerd in Bunnik and Paper Art Gallery in The Hague. His most recents exhibitions where at Trixie in The Hague 'Hybrid Realms', his solo show at in Haarlem and our group show at OBJECT Rotterdam. Chiel gained recognition for his innovative approach. His work was selected by The Future Materials Bank for materials that support and promote the transition towards ecologically conscious art practices, and is now part with his creative process in the new documentary 'Other Ways of Living' by WaterBear and Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

As a visual artist, Chiel’s (1994, The Netherlands) motivation is built upon the embodied experience of an ‘inner-act,’ which arises within the dynamic interplay between two entities and is distinguished by a bodily-felt affect. This ‘inner-act’ serves as a means to capture his resonance with rippled structures in the natural and agricultural landscape.


Chiel’s creative practice is composed of field research and investigative alchemical techniques for making materials from degradable and natural substances, primarily sourced from the vegetal and geological realms. By dissecting, deconstructing, and translating a phenomenon or object, Chiel seeks hidden features on various scales of anatomy, capturing its potential and building poetic compositions. At its core, Chiel’s artistic practice revolves around understanding the movement and co-existence of entities and their densities. The underlying question that is constantly present explores the human position in relation to non-human entities.

Alter house collection


MicroMacro is a herbarium series that embodies analogous research, delving into the parallels between fibers in plants and human muscle tissues. Through intricate processes of dissection, fermentation, and positioning of fibers, the Alter house collection offers a variety of scaled works, revealing the microscopic and macroscopic anatomical tissues of our intimate anatomy across different layers of our reality. The essence of MicroMacro lies in its aim to induce a meditative state, encouraging viewers to reflect on the life forms that constitute our bodies. It conveys the profound concept that we are fundamentally resonant beings intricately connected to cosmic currents.