In her collection for Alter house, Marta allows us to observe life through a microscope, cells that play with reality and imagination. She wants to convey her thoughts on all the wars happening at this moment, regardless of religion, stolen and invaded territories. If we look through this microscope, we are all the same; we have the same cells, the same blood. And often, we are unaware of that. It is necessary to look at the small things that make us up, which form a greater whole, and a machine so perfect and capable of committing as many atrocities as wonderful things.
This collection is also about the magnification of a fragment of the symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an alga or bacteria, which, through mutual support, successfully face the challenges of life. Lichens can be found in deserts, forests that have suffered a fire, polar regions. With this microscope, Marta wants to bring something so small that is part of our daily lives on streets, trees, walls, into closer visual focus, giving importance to this element that teaches us the power of symbiosis and what that word contributes to people’s lives in society.